Each brand possesses its unique personality; uncover the inspiring experiences of other creative women


I am Patrizia, a budding ceramist, not so much in terms of age but because what was once a vague idea took on a defined form during this past year. Just over a year ago, in fact, I had the desire for what was little more than a hobby to become something more, but I didn’t have a clear idea of what that ‘more’ was, let alone how it could happen. Taking the coaching course with Daniela was truly a turning point. First and foremost, it helped me understand what I truly desired; gradually, the outlines of an initially blurred image took shape. Another substantial help was realizing that nothing is left to chance, but to reach the goal, one must follow a path made of precise and organized steps; and lesson after lesson, we analyzed them one by one. It was an intense journey, certainly challenging but also very thrilling. Many things that seemed impossible to me turned out to be manageable. In addition to Daniela, my fellow travelers on this path have also been of tremendous help, with whom I still continuously exchange ideas. A year later, I feel more confident in myself. I don’t know where my business will go, but I feel I have acquired the foundations to navigate with more assurance

Patrizia Aleo

The coaching journey has been a fundamental step in the evolution of my business. I discovered new tools and possibilities, but above all, I looked within myself in a way I would never have done alone. I remember that at the beginning of this journey, my two biggest issues were time management and everything related to pricing my ceramics. Thanks to continuous discussions with Daniela, filled with questions, exercises, and frameworks, I was able to find the best way of operating for me and finally live serenely in a profession encompassing many different aspects. The most valuable thing I took home at the end of coaching is acquiring all the skills to be autonomous and move forward with confidence. Daniela was more than a teacher: a mentor and a patient guide.


I underwent coaching with Daniela, and I can confidently say that, without it, my activity would have remained merely a hobby. Daniela initially taught us to have an overall vision of our work and to focus on a few specific objectives.
Coaching taught me that effectively communicating what I want to express through my creations is crucial for ensuring my clients fully grasp the message I aim to convey through my art. Undoubtedly, this aspect was what I loved most throughout the entire program. Then, there was the aspect concerning creating a well-structured work plan and drafting a business plan, which was incredibly useful in clearly understanding revenues and expenditures and, most importantly, in learning to assign economic value to my creations.
The product sheets Daniela taught us to create are essential tools that I always keep handy, both for the items I’ve been making for a while and for the new ones. Without coaching, I would never have been able to learn so much in such a short time. I highly recommend it to anyone truly aiming to turn ceramics into their profession

Delfina Colarusso

I attended the ‘Creative Business Coaching’ course immediately after completing an online training course related to the theoretical and practical aspects of pottery making. I believe the course is highly beneficial in understanding how a passion can evolve into a profession rather than remaining a hobby. Lesson after lesson, I learned to ask myself the necessary questions to define my goals, to consider what kind of activity I desired, to understand the resources I could utilize, and how to organize them. I learned that to dedicate myself to my creative activity, I needed a clear vision of what I wanted to express and to focus my efforts in one direction. Thanks to Daniela’s teachings, I felt guided step by step towards change, embracing her suggestions on new habits, routines, thoughts… and achieving new results. It was a course that helped me define the field in which to work and provided me with guidance like a guiding beacon. Lastly, the extraordinary classmates with whom I shared not just simple class hours but also uncertainties, difficulties, moments of discouragement, and happiness made the coaching experience extraordinarily unique.

Adriana La Veneziana

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